Thursday, September 28, 2017

Recent Happenings

Well, here we are at the end of another month and I see we haven't written anything for awhile.  :)  We have been very busy, but not with the sort of things that one blogs about.

During Etnos' winter vacation (July), we had the pleasure of hosting Kaylee's mom for a 10-day visit. This is the first time she has visited since we moved to Santa Cruz, so we had a lot of new things to show off!

The Santa Cruz Botanical Garden
One of our regular second-hand clothes shops
And, of course, the main plaza of Santa Cruz
After she left, we had more visitors arrive (from England and US/Mexico) to put on a 2-week advanced language workshop for our missionaries that are studying language in ethnic groups.  Nathan had lots to coordinate to make that happen and participated as much as he could.

Studying discourse analysis!

Naturally, we had to show them around, too, including dinner out in a nearby town, during which Kaylee got personal instruction on how to make sonso on a stick. :)

While the workshop was in its second week, we started classes again in the Etnos training center.  Something new this semester is that Nathan is now serving as a member of the 3-man leadership team.  This means more meetings, more decisions, more phone calls, more knocks at the door.  You can pray that we will make wise decisions and will manage the stress well.  We started off with three fairly major decisions/changes that had to be made, so that was "fun."

Another new thing this semester is that we decided to make a simple fire pit and have a family bonfire every Friday night.  Everyone is welcome and we have had  both students and staff come and enjoy an informal chat.  When we break out the marshmallows or sausages, we get a real crowd! :)
Students making their first-ever s'more at the new family firepit
I'm happy to report that the girls are doing well and are more beautiful than ever.  They started a new school year in August and are now in grades 5, 3, and 2.
Addi, Lydia, and Anne loving the plumeria blossoms!
This semester, we have 4 students that are finishing the 3-year training program.  They are currently out in an Ayoré village for 10 weeks, studying their culture and language.  The purpose is to give them a realistic opportunity to see what it is like to move into an indigenous community and try to start building relationships.  At the same time, they are cementing their understanding of the language-learning techniques we have taught as well as being stretched in their concept of teamwork.

Last Friday, halfway through their time there, we went to visit them as a family, both to encourage them and check up on how they are doing in their study.  They had lots to share about, both blessings and challenges.  Please keep them in your prayers as well as they continue until the end of October.
Consulting meeting with the whole team

They are living together in another missionary couple's house

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