Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A New Bible Translation! (part 2)

In my last post, I shared the exciting news of a people group that now has God's Word in their language, thanks to years of effort by our coworkers.  I also mentioned that I tagged along to the dedication conference as photographer and driver of students.  

The purpose of taking the Etnos students was twofold: (1) to give them an opportunity to see the results of successful cross-cultural ministry and participate in an important (exciting!) step in the process and (2) to be a blessing through service.  Before the conference started, the students did a lot of the labor to get the chapel and guestrooms ready and set up dining tents.  

Etnos gals sweeping out guest rooms
Cleaning and prepping the chapel

Etnos guys cutting bamboo for tent poles

1 of 2 dining tents
However, the students' main role during the weekend was to prepare and serve 3 meals per day, so that the Simba ladies could enjoy the meetings!  With max attendance approaching 200 people, it was a lot of work!

The kitchen was a beehive of continual Etnos busyness!

Armed and ready to serve! :D

Chop, chop, chop!

The gloomy weather couldn't dampen the emotion of the weekend (or the hot soup!)
Several of the students also found other ways to get involved:
Jilmer and Luis accompanied the singing times on guitar

Yovana spearheaded a program for the kids with some of the other gals

Nathaly with her little buddies
Songs and stories for the kids, in spite of the rain

Ignacio (top left) running the book table
All told, it was a great weekend in several ways.  We had new experiences, got to know each other better, and provided a service to our brothers and sisters Simba GuaranĂ­.
Most of our Etnos group

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